So one day Maddy was playing softball with her friends from her hometown, Indianola; Ashley, Ian, Riley and Ross. They all were playing softball when Riley said, "Hey! I just noticed something. When Ian pitched the ball, i saw that it went slower than it did back home!" Ross replied with "Oh my goodness! Your right! Well, the acceleration due to gravity here on the moon is only
1.6 m/s2 and at home the acceleration due to gravity is about 9.8 m/s2! Which means the Moon is pulling the ball down much less!" Ashley looked a little confused and I explained, "You see Ashley, gravity pulls things towards the conter of the Earth. So if there is more gravity at Earth, things would come down a lot harder. But on the moon, it has less gravity, so-"
"It pulls you with less force!" I think Ashley gets it.