Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pathfinders Event

i hope i get to go to the black-tie Pathfinders event on Saturday the 6th. It sounds really cool, and i can't wait!

GAOC Project #1

My GAOC was Europe. i had a bumpy start, but in the end, my article was about Europe cutting their greenhouse gas emissions 20% by 2020. It was a very interesting peice and i'm glad i chose Europe.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Bernoulli's Law Project

In class MM showed us some experiments that showed us about Bernoulli's Law. It involved the most random things; cans; balloons; strings; and more. It was really fun!

Our assignment was to make up our own experiment. Mine was invloving 2 cans and 10 skinny crayola markers. You put the 2 cans (empty) on top of the markers and put them about 1 inch apart. You blow very hard into that one inch and the cans will kiss. Then i tried it with only one of the empty soda canson 5 markers and it had the same effect. Then i tried it with no markers and it still worked.

My Questions: